
Healthy And Easy Meal Prep Tips

Healthy And Easy Meal Prep Tips

by Proforma Construction Inc, January 14, 2016

Follow these tips to keep your belly full of good food.

Getting healthy for 2016 doesn’t have to be stressful. Taking the time to get your meals ready for the whole week in a single day can have you eating healthy without extra stress. Keep these healthy meal prep tips in mind so you can zip out the door in the morning.

Hard boil eggs in the oven

Eggs are a great source of vitamins A and B, protein, and healthy fat. “Boiling” eggs in your oven allows you to make a whole week’s worth of snacks at once in just a few minutes. Plus, you won’t have to deal with washing any dishes!

Season meat 3 ways in 1 pan

Eating the same flavors of lean meat can get very boring after a couple weeks. Creating aluminum foil dividers in one pan allow you to season your meat three different ways so that you can change it up!

Make salads in jars

Properly laying your salads in mason jars will allow you to keep days worth of salads without them getting soggy. Plus, when it comes time to eat, all you have to do is shake it up.

Roll protein-rich energy bites

Packaged protein bars can be filled with sugar and calories. Making your own will make it easy to grab a healthy and tasty snack to help your muscles recover after a workout. Protein-packed snacks will also help to keep your hunger at bay throughout the day.

Chop your veggies in advance

As soon as you get home from the store, chop up all of your vegetables (and fruit) and put them in clear reusable containers. Pre-washed and cut produce will make it much easier to grab a snack or throw some fruits or veggies into a meal.

Everyone at Proforma Construction in Pleasanton, California would like to encourage you to use these meal prep tips to start 2016 off on the right, healthy, foot!