
Protecting Your Business Property From Halloween Vandalism

Protecting Your Business Property From Halloween Vandalism

by Proforma Construction Inc, October 28, 2015

Don’t let Halloween vandalism leave its mark on your business property!

Halloween is often full of treats, but it can also be riddled with tricks if you’re not careful. If you own a commercial property, you need to be particularly wary of the coming holiday. Vandals all too often target business locations under the assumption no one will be there to defend the property – and are right!

Here are a few things you can do to protect your business property from Halloween vandalism.

  • Let there be light. Mischief doers are much more likely to approach your building if it’s shrouded in shadow. Make sure the exterior of your property is completely lit to keep them away. Motion sensor-activated lights are your best bet, since their activation can scare away skittish delinquents.
  • Put your building on lock down. If there was ever a night to take the extra steps to secure your building, this is it. Make sure all of your windows and doors are securely locked – including those that aren’t on the first floor.
  • Hire a helping hand. If your area has a history of being targeted and you’re sick of pulling toilet paper out of your trees on November 1st, consider hiring a security guard for the night. Setting up a patrol will do wonders for your vandalism prevention.
  • Protect the paint of company cars. If you have company cars, make sure they’ll be parked somewhere they can’t get egged on Halloween night. This means asking employees who take a vehicle home to take steps to protect the paint of their car.

Do you have a business location you are proud of and want to protect this Halloween? If you’re not happy with your existing commercial property, contact Proforma Construction in Pleasanton, California. We can use our commercial construction services to help you renovate or build a property that best represents your business!