
How to Make Your Life Feel Like a Vacation (While You Work)

How to Make Your Life Feel Like a Vacation (While You Work)

by Proforma Construction Inc, May 31, 2016

The everyday struggles of life can create an exorbitant amount of stress, is there a way you can combat this?

If you’re like most people, taking a vacation gives you relief from the daily stresses of work, commutes, and doing chores. On vacation, you sleep better, laugh more, and generally feel more at ease. Why, oh why, does it have to be limited to 10 days out of the entire year? The mental state of vacation and “real life” is a change in perspective. To change your perspective for the remaining 355 days out of the year here are 3 steps to make your life feel more like a vacation.

  1. Change your commute.

There is nothing worse for your brain than seeing the same things over and over again. Taking in new information about our environment forces our brain to process information. If a change in your commute is not possible, then listen to a podcast or music you normally wouldn’t listen to. Anything to make your brain go, “Hey, this is new!”

  1. Try new restaurants.

We all probably know the restaurants around a certain radius from our house and then often complain that there are no good restaurants. Often a marker that you’ve immersed into your city. New food makes eating more conscious activity and being aware of it makes every bite more satisfying.

  1. Finish your to-do list, and then stop.

We live in a society that encourages constant movement; relaxation is only for those that merit it. This is not only wrong, it’s detrimental to human health. Humans need to relax every once in a while. Once your to-do list is complete, stop! Watch your favorite television show, and relax.

Work is important; it drives the economy and our society forward. But there is a tipping point, and there has to be some balance between work and personal life to avoid the stresses that come with the former. Buildings can help people deal with these stresses. If you’re looking for a general contractor in the Bay Area, we encourage you to contact Proforma Construction. We have a team of professionals who are equipped to meet all of your commercial construction needs.