
Build a Mold-Resistant Commercial Building

Build a Mold-Resistant Commercial Building

by Proforma Construction Inc, April 20, 2017

If you’re tired of mold growing in your commercial building, take these steps in building a mold-resistant commercial building. 

Mold infestation in a new commercial building is something you want to avoid. Mold issues can be responsible for severe health issues for occupants as well substantially reduce the fair market value of the property in question. Making the commercial building mold-resistant is your best shot at keeping the health of your employees and the value of your property in good condition. Here is how you can build a mold-resistant commercial building.

I. The key to mold control is moisture control. If you can control all of the moisture that is entering your commercial building, you can control the mold.

II. Make sure that the building lot and the landscaping grade are downward and away from the building to keep the rain and other water from entering the building through its foundation, concrete floors, and crawl spaces.

III. A moisture barrier beneath any slab of floor or basement floor concrete can deter water from wicking up from the ground and into the concrete. Moisture that gets into your concrete and remains in there can grow mold which deteriorates the foundation.

IV. You can mix a top-quality waterproofing compound into the concrete mix to transform the concrete floor into a waterproof barrier. Adding this compound to the exterior of building foundations can help keep water out and your business dry.

V. Waterproofing the exterior siding of your building is a key way to avoid mold. This includes assuring that the drains are securely connected at the joints and drain away from the building correctly.

Mold-proofing your commercial building is important to keep your employees safe and your property value high. Proforma Construction can help you realize all the ways you can prevent mold growth. We encourage you to contact us at Proforma Construction for all of your commercial construction needs.