When you want to give your commercial property a facelift, renovating or rebuilding are your two main options. Your Pleasanton contractor can give you some much-needed information! When deciding whether to renovate or rebuild a commercial property, there are a variety of things that you need to consider. You know … Continue reading
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General contractors in the Bay Area know that with quality coatings, pre-painted metals can be abrasion resistant, delivering protection and long-lasting aesthetic. Pre-painted metals are widely recognized for building exteriors because of their durability, cost, and near infinite uses. While not common on the interior, their design characteristics make them … Continue reading →
The construction industry is becoming more productive each and every day, but how is it doing so and how is it affecting our lives? Your Pleasanton Contractor knows how! Measuring productivity and growth in the construction industry is no easy task due to the nature of production in the industry … Continue reading →
Designers say, in order to increase productivity and keep workers engaged, it’s time to move towards these design directions and get the most out of your office space. With years and reams of analysis done, you’d expect every workplace to be the definition of productivity and engagement. Earlier this year, … Continue reading →
The everyday struggles of life can create an exorbitant amount of stress, is there a way you can combat this? If you’re like most people, taking a vacation gives you relief from the daily stresses of work, commutes, and doing chores. On vacation, you sleep better, laugh more, and generally … Continue reading →
If you want to know that progress is better than stagnation and want to apply it to your construction site, here are some construction trend tips you can use! The most famous builder once asked all of us, “Can we build it?” To which we all unanimously and ecstatically replied, “Yes … Continue reading →
St. Paul – Week 3 Progress Photos
Excavation of footings and start of underground plumbing.
Proforma President Featured Guest on ‘Real Estate 360’
Jeff Antrim, President of Proforma Construction will be the featured guest of Lori Greymont on her popular radio show “Real Estate 360.” Tune in to KDOW radio, 1220 AM, Thursday, August 22 at 3 p.m., for a discussion of Commercial Real Estate, including a discussion of development, ground-up construction, renovations, Bay … Continue reading →
New Project:San Franciso Salon Village
Proforma has been awarded, and work has started on the San Francisco Salon Village project. http://www.salonvillagestudios.com/ This is a unique concept where individual salon owners (e.g. hair stylist, estheticians, etc) have their own boutique shop, yet share common space to deliver their service to customers all under one roof. Project … Continue reading →
Goddard School Project Update September 28, 2012
Hello everyone! Here’s the lates update on the Goddard School Project for all of you loyal followers! We’ve got the taping done, and moving along. Here are some more recent photos of the project to-date: Tell us what you think!
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Proforma Construction is always looking to expand its team. Proforma is a licensed Design/Build Contractor. If you are interested in becoming a part of the team contact us today.
- 4439 Stoneridge Drive Suite 220
Pleasanton, CA 94588 - Email: info@proformaco.com
- Office: (925) 426-1317
- Fax: (925) 426-2444